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From Homeless to Happiness...

Transport Truly Changes Lives!

In the not too distant past, many of the county shelters we pull dogs from

were ran by reckless officials who thought nothing of euthanizing a healthy adoptable dog

after their 72 hour stray hold was up. It didn’t matter if there was room or not,

if the dog was deemed too much to care for, too loud, too old or the wrong breed

its life was senselessly and heartlessly ended.

Many of the counties we work with 'hold tight' now to these underdogs,

knowing our transport program is there for them. However, there's so much more work to do.

We still deal with county systems that AREN'T always willing to hold tight to those in need, AND we are frequently dealing with communities where dogs are left unprotected by legislation. 


Every transport we send North holds the too much to care for, the too loud, the too old, or just the wrong breed.

Each transport takes a life that was once neglected or deemed unworthy,

and relocates them to safety, dignity and loving forever homes.

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